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South Leicester AGM 2024

South Leicester AGM 2024

wayne marsden2 May - 10:00
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South hereby inform the clubs voting membership that this years AGM will be held in the clubhouse on Monday 3rd June 7pm start

This event is for Club voting members, if you are unsure of your 2023/24 voting status, please check with the chairman Wayne Marsden before attending, it saves any embarrassment on the door.

Fully paid up club members from the following membership categories are welcome to attend and vote

Honorary Life Member
Vice Presidents
Senior Playing Member
Student Playing Member & Colts Playing Member over 18 years of age
Non-Playing voting Member
Coach, Skilled Member

Voting members from the 2022/23 membership list who have let their voting membership lapse or have forgotten to pay their membership for this year have until 22nd May 2024 to pay in full, any questions please contact Wayne Marsden or any of the club Directors

Further reading